Annelle and I have known each other since starting school at the Vancouver School or Arts and Academics in 2002. Since then we have grown as friends year after year until almost 3 years ago we took a giant leap and began dating. It has been a hard journey but wonderful. The first 6 months of our relationship was extremely hard even though we both were living near to each other and saw each other quite often. Our School was full of drama and we both struggled with the impact our dating relationship had on our friends lives. Yet we were falling in love and when Annie decided to head to Washington State University for college all the way in Pullman and I decided to stay home it was a moment of truth. Would we stay together or not? We decided to see how it went and so for the next 2 years with hundreds of miles between us we grew closer even though we were far apart. When she got home that summer we has shared so much already, a trip to Alaska to visit her Uncle and Aunt, several family Christmas's, a trip to Europe for me, 2 years of college for her, many friends, and coworkers gained, a semester of college for me, an apartment shared with roommates for her, and hours and hours of conversation together. Not to mention the hours and hours of driving back and forth occasionally between Vancouver and Pullman.
And so in the Summer of 2011 I decided to ask the question. Well, decided is maybe not quite the right word. See I had purchased a ring in February without Annie's knowledge and kept it a secret for months. After several months of talking about marriage I finally felt Annie was ready for the question. So I waited a few more months and then talked to her parents who gave me their approval. So one beautiful day with Annie in tow, and ring in pocket, we headed out for a hike. The morning of the big day the sky was blue, the sun was out, a light breeze tickled my face as I woke at 5:30am to get a start. I ran to the store and bought her flowers, then picked her up bright and early to take her to breakfast at a local restaurant. We got on the road and out to our hike so early we decided to do a neighboring hike first.
Dog Mountain happens to be an extremely beautiful hike, but also extremely strenuous, and popular. Upon reaching the top we looked around and not only could we see 3 separate mountain tops, Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Adams, but we could see about 3 dozen people sitting next to us. Definitely not the right opportunity. So we heading back down to the car and after 8-9 miles of hiking, drove to our final destination, Dog Creek Falls.
Now Dog Creek Falls for the majority of people ends after a 200 ft walk to the base of the falls, but not for us. A local guidebook I had read mentioned that you could scale the rocks on the side of the falls and you would reach a ledge which led to another waterfall. So I scrambled to the top, and then headed back down to slowly lead Annie up.
Dog Creek Falls
Upon getting up the first waterfall we stood and looked around. Behind us was the beautiful Columbia Gorge, in front of us was another waterfall. So we climbed that one, and then another, and another, and another. Well after about 6 or 7 falls (each from 30-60 feet in height) we reached a dead end. But not just any dead end. This was a 70-80 foot waterfall that was about 100 feet wide and amazing! After resting for a bit I decided we should take a photo under the falls. Annie promptly went to pose and while standing under the dumping falls I ran to set up the camera. While setting it up I double checked to make sure the ring was in my pocket, then clicked the button and ran. After about 3 self-timed photos I said "One more, One more!" and dashed back to the camera. Clicking the button and running across the 30 ft of rocks and water till I reached her side I immediately dropped to one knee while pulling the box from my wet swimsuit pocket. Looking up at Annelle and lifting the box I freaked out since I had popped it open, upside down. Quickly turning it right side up and poking Annie in the side she looked down as I said those magic words, "Will you marry me."
After about 5 minutes of her mouthing silent words and me saying "Annie you have to say something!" She finally stuttered, "Yes." And they rest, as they say, is History.